Today is the 12th day of 2013. There are 353 days left in the year.
Video of the Day: Exploring Istanbul with Nate Hovee (YouTube, Jan 11, 2013, 4:12)
Nate’s comment: “The production quality is terrible, but I put this video together primarily to test my skills in a Final Cut Pro editing class at Yeditepe University. Enjoy!” I love the cat at 2:13!
[See more from Nate here]
Opportunities of the Day: 1 interdisciplinary fellowship & 2 internships
- NCHC Portz Interdisciplinary Fellowship (up to 18 months!; deadline: Feb 10, 2013)
- Henry Clay Internship in Public Policy (deadline: Jan 31) – could support the internship below with Congressman Guthrie (but is not connected to it in any way)
- Internship opportunies with US Congressman Brett Guthrie in Bowling Green & Washington, DC
Stat of the Day: Euro-Atlanticism & English as global lingua franca
Over half of all US students studying abroad do so in Europe, most of them in Britain (Institute of International Education annual Open Doors report 2012)
“They’re not exactly honing new language skills there.” (Frank Bruni)
Word of the Day: ardent
enthusiastic or passionate
ORIGIN Middle English: from Old French ardant, from Latin ardens, ardent-, from ardere ‘to burn.’
Quote of the Day: Honors College “really taking off”
“I love how the Honors College is really taking off. I think there were around 6 of us graduating back in 2000.” (Michelle Johnson Howell’s Facebook comment on Thursday’s Sketch of our new Honors building post)
Today in History: Haiti; Amazon
On Jan. 12, 2010, Haiti was struck by a magnitude-7 earthquake, killing as many as 300,000 residents and leaving more than 1.5 million people homeless. (AP)

Maxi Phalone sings praises to God after her sister was pulled alive from the rubble of a collapsed building in Port-au-Prince on Jan. 18, 2010 – six days after a magnitude-7 earthquake struck Haiti. (AP Photo/Julie Jacobson)
Today’s birthday: founder and CEO Jeff Bezos turns 49 years old today (born 1964)