Today is the 11th day of 2013. There are 354 days left in the year.
Highlight of the Day
Changing the World: Joining the Foreign Service (US Department of State, Jan 11, 2013, 12:35) (via Chinese Flagship at WKU Facebook Page)
Opportunities of the Day
- NCHC Portz Interdisciplinary Fellowship (up to 18 months!; deadline: Feb 10, 2013)
- Henry Clay Internship in Public Policy (deadline: Jan 31) – could support the internship below with Congressman Guthrie (but is not connected to it in any way)
- Internship opportunies with US Congressman Brett Guthrie in Bowling Green & Washington, DC
Stat of the Day: 1.3%
Growth rate of the number of Americans studying abroad in 2011/12 (Institute of International Education annual Open Doors report 2012)
“Those numbers are not growing fast enough … We’re going to have to find other ways to internationalize the thinking of Americans if we’re not going to get them all abroad.” (Peggy Blumenthal, senior counsel at the IIE) – Yes! But how?
Word of the Day: realia
objects or activities used to relate classroom teaching to the real life, especially of people studied (What a brilliant idea!)
ORIGIN 1950s: from late Latin, neuter plural (used as a noun) of realis: relating to things
Quote of the Day
While we are postponing, life speeds up. (Lucius Annaeus Seneca, Roman statesman, 5 BCE – 65 CE)
Today in History
On Jan. 11, 1964, U.S. Surgeon General Luther Terry issued the first government report saying smoking may be hazardous to one’s health. (AP)
Today’s birthday: William James (American philosopher & psychologist, 1842-1910): “Belief creates the actual fact.” – Maybe some facts? In any case, facts never speak for themselves.