Today is the 14th day of 2013. There are 351 days left in the year.
Picture of the Day: Shelley Spalding in London this weekend (Harlaxton, spring 2013)
Opportunities of the Day
- Apply for the Generation Ali Global Citizenship Scholarship of $10,000 – deadline: tomorrow! (Jan 15)
- Save $100 if you apply for a study abroad program with the Kentucky Institute for International Studies by next Sunday, Jan 20!
- Harlem Globetrotters‘ ‘You Write the Rules‘ World Tour, WKU’s Diddle Arena, tonight, 7-9pm
Word of the Day: epistemology
theory of knowledge, esp. with regard to its methods, validity, and scope. Epistemology is the investigation of what distinguishes justified belief from opinion. – In short: how do we know what we know?
ORIGIN mid 19th cent.: from Greek epistēmē ‘knowledge,’ from epistasthai ‘know, know how to do.’
Quote of the Day
When a man is tired of London, he is tired of life; for there is in London all that life can afford. (Samuel Johnson, English writer, 1709-1784 [chosen by Shelley Spalding as the motto of her blog post on her weekend in London as part of her semester at Harlaxton]
Today in History
On Jan. 14, 2011, Tunisian protesters enraged over soaring unemployment and corruption drove President Zine El Abdine Ben Ali from power after 23 years of iron-fisted rule (AP)